Marion Bright

Mark making is at the core of my practice, which takes the form of printmaking, drawing or mixed media. Responding intuitively within the process of making allows the unpredictable to come forward seeking open-ended possibilities.

A sense of curiosity drives me in my art making to confront uncertainties during the exchange between materials and surface. Pushing to see what’s possible; on a journey into the unknown and bringing the undiscovered into visual form. The work embraces possibility and impermanence in recognition that movement, flux and entropy create the potential for something new.

An implied narrative alludes to a fleeting resonance, a chance encounter. Marks and surface evidence a weathering aspect, referencing chance formation and transient alchemical process, relating to memory and experiences. I am often influenced by the visual stimulation of travel, the experience of place.

I exhibit regularly in Aotearoa New Zealand and am an active member of the Print Council of Aotearoa New Zealand, Plateau Printmakers and Creative Taupo.

My workshops include Loosen Up: Drawing with Non-traditional Techniques and monotype printmaking.

For me the process of art making is to pose questions - pushing to see what’s possible, running with the adventure, curious about the unknown and bringing the undiscovered into visual form.”

 — Marion Bright

Contact Marion

by appointment
+ 64 21 377 353


Jennifer Cook-Battersby